Maharishi Hermit here, please be seated.
In the last post, I forgot to mention that George had spent the night out on the deck. In the morning, when I let Kita out, this big, fat PURRRR ball came in. He almost had intimate relations with the wood stove. Any way, I guess he got hungry, this is what's left of his snack. It looks like a liver, yuck, a stomach, and the pink thing in the middle is a paw.

That night Kita took off again. TT found him and managed to lasso him this time. So yesterday I walked across the lake to the Kelly's and drove to Frasertown to get him. I went to town to pick up a few things and decided to bring the truck home. There is hardly any snow left, EXCEPT on my 3km driveway. It took 3 or 4 tries to get up the big hill, but the Old Goat made it. This is the earliest that I have ever driven in. Here's the guilty dog, look at his ears.

It doesn't quite come across in this pic, but the ice was sparkly yesterday.

Last evening I was looking out my clean windows, contemplating the universe, when I saw Kita on the lake. How did he get off of the chain!!??!?! I go running out side and almost jump on Kita sleeping at the bottom of the steps???? Oh oh, WOLF! Run back in, get camera, take pics, wolf sees me and turns around and retreats. The wolf was walking funny, I'm not sure if there was something wrong with it, or if it didn't like walking on the ice. Kita slept through the whole thing. I guess I'll have to keep him on the chain 24/7 for awhile.

I haven't got much work done in the last couple of days, I hope it's not that fading out thing. I think it's just my internal batteries get a little drained after a few days of no sun, just like the solar batteries. I did put the Yammie to bed for the summer *&kjihh, sorry, fingers slipping on the tears on the keyboard. Some of you comment on all the work out here. Some people think that you retire to the bush and put your feet up and sip on a Merlot. I've never heard of that kind of beer, have you Razor? So here's the lesson of the day. Life is work. You either work for da man and pay someone to provide you hydro, water, gas, etc, or you work to get it for your self.
The other day, while feeling kinda low, I called Greggyboy, the hardest working programmer at Nasty Puke, ha ha ho ho ha ha ha, sometimes I break me up! Any way, listening to all their miseries brightens my day. I found out that my favorite girl there is retiring tomorrow. How can a girl named Storme, not be cool. I think that she is the original crunchy, hippy girl. Congratulations, Storme. When you leave, run, don't walk, and DO NOT LOOK BACK, (pillar of salt thing).
I was talking to TT the other day while she was mixing up some paint. She said that men have it easy 'cause we only like white and that's cause we are lazy and boring. I took that on the chin, like a man, but later on I thought, wait, white is a combination of all the colours! Not like your boring sand dollar taupe, or your mint julep green.
Michelle, don't worry about those strange men, I know a guy with bullets and a back hoe.
Tim, we don't hear from you for twenty years, and then you won't shut up.
Shalom Sheila, we are equal opportunity blabbers.
C, Yup, when we are wearing, or bib overalls. I did have a bunny, when I was young. It had heavy feet and his name was Thumper. As for the church, many people say that they like what the church stands for, but they like their money more.
Rich, Berlin says that your new boss can be a little slow, especially on that ring thing. As long as he remembers bottles, not cans, I think you'll do OK.
TPD, WOW! I almost understood what you wrote! Hint, let Cindy back up the trailer. I don't think your trailer will float. How are the shelves coming along? Your welcome for that.
That's it for today, Amen.
Wait! On the radio they just said that a suicide bomber detonated a bomb and that there was one causality. It's not clear if the victim was the bomber. ?????????? I guess that they don't have schools for reporters.