Snowing yesterday.

This is all we got, so far.

I might just babble on for a while today. I'm doing a major laundry and the generator is running. I run the gen set to pump water and run the washer and dryer. I usually charge the batteries at the same time. I've been putting the laundry off, waiting for a string of bad solar days. But I'm out of underwear. I still haven't figured out how Richie gets more than four days out of one pair, especially his pink thongs. If you are wondering how I know about the thongs, it's his normal dress, trolling in the sauna.
Kita and I just got back from Frasertown. We went over to get some newspapers. TT saves them for me, usually before the budgies reads them. The snow is pretty deep in places and it's powdery, causing the snow to plow over the wind shield. There is still slush in places, not bad enough to get stuck in, yet. Poor old Kita is passed out under the A frame. He beat me to the pond side of the lake. On the way back, I decided to run back to Frasertown to pack down the trail. By this time, Kita was half way across. He then followed me almost all the way back to Frasertown when I turned around to go back home. We did the same thing on this side of the lake. So he probably ran about 7kms altogether, flat out. Not bad for an 84 year old. I know a 52 year old who couldn't do it.
So, some of you have been wondering if I get lonely out in the middle of no where, and what I do for entertainment. First, I'm not in the middle of no where. If you take hwy 11N out of North Bay and drive for about 20 minutes, you are in the middle of no where. Then turn right and go another 15 kms. If I went any deeper into the bush, I'd be coming out. Summers are busy, lots of BBQs and pot lucks. Lots of people needing an extra hand. Ol' Jacko usually goes to town every day and gets me the papers. Things slow down a bit in the fall and winter, but there are snow mobile trips and the odd cocktail to go to. There is always something to do outside. Fire wood, cleaning up brush, etc. I spend most days outside. I usually have the radio on CBC radio one. Some people call this the old man radio but I can't see that. Since there's only been about 5 or 6 good songs written since 1975, what's the use of listening to main stream radio? Gee, I sound like my dad. "There hasn't been any good music since Patty Page". They have a great blues music show on Saturday nights. There is a good comedy show on Saturday morning. It's about family life from the father's point of view. The Vinyl Cafe on Sundays is good too. During the week day afternoons, they have call in shows on all kinds of subjects where you can get free help on stuff like lawyers, decorating, wines etc. They even have one with a veterinarian. That's where I found out that George is obese. (If you don't like the way I feed George, you come here and NOT feed him. I dare you.) They also said that cats can get Alzheimer's. If your cat sleeps a lot, or stares at walls, it might have Alzheimer's. (???) As for TV, I haven't felt the need to go to a dish yet. I get CBC, CTV, TVO really good. Global is pretty good most nights. I sometimes get the A channel from Barrie, but not very often. There are a couple of French channels, but since I don't parlez vous, they aren't any good to me.
Some people wonder if I miss having a woman around the house. Not really, except for the usual reasons... Like someone to clean up cat puke, or to chop wood or do laundry. One thing that's good about not having a woman around, is that when I put something down, it stays there, which is a big help when you have sometimer's. Like my snowmobile boots. I brought them in from the garage back in December. It hasn't been cold enough to wear them yet, but they are exactly where I left them. How about that, Razor?

Google Earth view of Little Tomiko.

Razor, I've had better offers, but not for a while. I'd do it, but I don't think that you can handle the competition. You don't want to move down to #4, do you?
"14,500", the prize depends on who you are, and if you can catch me.
Sis, I'm not sure your normal clientele is ready for me, but any thing to help you out.
Last load of laundry is done, see ya.
1 comment:
Happy Ground Hog Day! And if you've got a minute or two, HOWL at the moon 'cause it's FULL tonight!
I hope YOU can see the moon. I have to rely on memory, because it has clouded over. BUT I KNOW it's FULL 'cause I can FEEL it! AAWWoooooo! I'm a Cancer if you follow Astrology, therefore I'm a MOON child. AAWWoooooo!
PS Thanks! and WOW!
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