Joseph has a link on his blog, to a down loadable version of the interview.

We got a little snow Saturday night. Just some light powdery stuff.

Yesterday afternoon Kita and I went down the lake to clear some,(a lot) of solar panels. The snow on my lot is only boot deep, but down here some of the drifts are thigh deep. The roof rake wouldn't clear the snow on the roof, so I climbed up and shoveled it off. While I was up there, I cleared the snow around the chimney. I was pretty sweaty by the time I was done.

I cleaned yours off too, Ron.

And yours, Steve.

-32.7 @ 6:oo am this morning. They are calling for snow or flurries for the next four days, just in time for men's weekend.
I had to switch propane tanks on Saturday. I can't remember when I switched them last. I think it was the same day that I took the truck to Frasertown, the first time. Whose job was it to remember?
I watched the ECMAs last night. Good show. I didn't recognize anybody in the crowd, though. But Shelagh has a face for radio!
Good one Berlin, you got me good. I'm still chuckling. I don't care what Richie says, you do have a sense of humour. Of course you would have to, wouldn't you.
Joseph was such a cute baby! OOh, those chubby little cheeks! My niece, Sheila, (no relation to the other Shelagh) turned Sweet Sixteen on the same day!
Sorry I missed Shelagh's appearance on the ECMA's. Just as well, she irritates me! I did see Peter Mackay's Gaff (not knowing what city he was in! Such an ass!) and Mary Walsh's in-his-face response! Go, Mary! Go! Mr. MacKay also got side swippped by the opera singer from New Broomstick.
Did you see Ashley MacIssac get married? Me, neither. Who cares? The only people I recognized or remembered best were the deceased ones. John Allen Cameron, Dutch Mason, Denny Dorhity and Dermot O'Reilly. (Maybe I shouldn't admit to that...kinda implies age...and of course, it's my mission to age gracefully.)
Frank, This is Greg Speakman from Sturgeon Lake. Great Blog. The whole family loves it. Do you know if the road to Tomiko Station is plowed? Thx
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