Monday, February 05, 2007

First three pics are heading to Frasertown Saturday morning.

My side of my blind narrows.

The other side of the blind narrows.

Crossing the "pond"

-29.4c sun rise this morning.

Sun dog.

Last week, when it was -30, I brought Kita in at midnight and noticed that his pillow was frozen to the snow. His body heat melts the snow and his pillow gets wet. I'm thinking that this can't be too comfy on 84 year old bones. So I made a little nest for him out of boughs and a couple of tarps. So here's a math question for you. If a thermometer in the shade reads -25, and you have a wind chill reading -33, and a thermometer in the sun reads -12, what temperature does a black and white dog feel?

Saturday we went to Frasertown to install a radio in the grader. It didn't work so we went for a ride to Doe Lake and back through Moose Lake. There was some slush on the far side of Moose, not enough to trap you, but I don't think I would putt along while riding double. My machine inhaled a lot of powder and slush under the hood. Yesterday morning I got the radio working, next thing DJ Razor will want a disco ball in there. Pet Lamb and Captain V were out, so I dropped by for a visit. In the afternoon I changed the spark plugs in the Yammie. It had been running rough. Being really smart, I went for a test drive on the lake in front of the cabin with out a helmet. This is when I found out that the throttle cables were iced up from the slush under the hood. I had two speeds, wide open and stop. This is also when I figured out that the main purpose of a brain bucket is to keep your ears from freezing and falling off. WOW!,COLD!, even for me.


C said...

Kita, tell Frank that the answer is "The Perfect Temperature" for a Black and White Dog to curl up in!

Busy Weekend! When the Disco Ball is installed in the Grader...I want a picture.

So did your ears fall off or did they just droop a little?

But hey, it's never too late to learn, right

C said...

Just taking a peek to see what others may have had to say. Hmmm...obviously, they are keeping their comments to themselves.

While I'm here, I thought I'd mention how helpful the Googled "map" from the previous entry, has been in giving meaning to the first three pictures. A better perspective of the "lay of the land" than my feeble brain conjured up! An inspired move on your part!

C said...

I would like to have a picture, please.