Razor doing the legs solo, who needs ya Rich?

I can't remember, is it Gord that's 139 years old, or Canada?

Shirley's Canada cake.

BK came in his Popemobile.

Trailerpark Dan thinks he is my long lost "brudder". If he is, the good lookin' gene skipped him.

Looks like a fun Canada Day celebration. Were you 'tired' after all the festivities??
Who says you can't find friends and have fun in the middle of nowhere? Well, may be not the middle...Probably the edge!
What a wonderful looking spread! The Canada Cake is very impressive looking. A salute to the Baker! A good time was had by all no doubt!
Thanks again for the recent pictures of for George. Son Rob, who is an admitted dyed - in - the wool cat fancier thinks he's a "cool cat"! I went back in your blog history to show him others but I couldn't find the one of the cat & mouse. Been archived, I guess. I had it on the old computer, but it has been "lost in transition".
Speaking of George, Bessie returned home yesterday from her extended stay in Ontario...
Gloria and Frank had us ALL over for BBQ'd supper. Delicious! Glorious managed the BBQ while I supervised. John and Frank went to the train station... Had the camera, but no pictures...What's with that?? Boring... As another Frank would warble: That's Lfe...
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