Saturday, July 29, 2006

Here is a pic from Bryan of me getting my ear candled. You'll notice that they had to chain me, and Kita is a little concerned. Those Brits have a strange sense of humour.

Ok Joseph, another bird identification. Cormorant?

It was hot and muggy yesterday afternoon. Kita and I went for a spin around the lake to cool off. This little bear was hot too, and drinking water in the narrows.

The sky kept changing last evening.


the Mailman Family said...

Great pics as usual! I don't comment much these days - too tired and too busy but I do check in every few days. What is the ear candleing all about? Maybe if I get my ears candeled I wouldn't need hearing aids! I tried a pair earlier this summer and hated them -at $5600/pair they should be able to make my voice sound nice to me!

General Time Reversible said...

The first two birds are Double-crested Cormorants, but the last one seems to be a Great Blue Heron.