Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Today is YOUR day! 

It's time for another Public Service Announcement.

As some of you know, my 12 year old grandson, Kaeden, has juvenile diabetes. He has had this disease for 6 years. His family raises money every year with the JDRF walk to cure diabetes. This year I would like to contribute by doing a "Polar Bear Swim". If I can raise $250.00 in pledges, I will go for a swim as soon as I can make a hole in the ice. If I can raise $500.00, I will do it in my "birthday" swim suit. Since we will be isolated when this happens, Grasshopper will have to take porno-, I mean photo-graphic proof, which will be posted here on the blog. Get behind me on this, but not too close! 


We now return you to your semi-regularly scheduled Blog. 

Last Saturday the evening grosbeaks showed up.

And MoreRon, too.

And a woodpecker in the peanut butter.

Quick, what kind is he?

Last Saturday, sunrise shining thru wolf's bay.

American gold finch, on the left and a grosbeak.

An air hole, right beside our tree line.

For supper I made that bacon wrapped pork loin recipe that's been floating around on Facebook. To me it was just, meh.

Monday morning. Check out the pock marks on the lake.

Mr. and Mrs. G. Beak.

Check out the sunrise reflecting off of a window, or maybe the steel chimney of the sauna at Bedrock.

Not a great pic, but, the first robin of the year. I bet it was surprised by how much snow that we have. Grasshopper also saw a Canada goose flying and honking in the narrows.

It's been so hot here lately. So, how do the lumberjacks dress at this time of year? Man! I stepped off of the trail, in my snowshoes, and sunk right up the the Y joint.

We are going to town tomorrow, so, we'll wish Mr. Slate an early birthday. 

Happy Birthday Mr. Slate! 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Frank I just put you over the top for the Birthday Suit swim. If you need a chainsaw to cut through the ice let me know. PS you can use vegetable oil for bar oil so you won't hurt the fish! LOL Ritchie