Friday, April 11, 2014

Today is Friday, I think. So it was Wednesday that Kat and Cat went to town. I two-upped Grasshopper across the lake on the ski-doo-bee-doo. The ice road was kinda mushy so I decided that that was that and removed the tree line. 

  The Old Goat must have caught the flu in town and had a fever on the Notman road and blew her top.  After a long, cool drink we got the old girl back to Bedrock, and the truck, too. Yesterday Mrs. Slate and Pebbles were going to town, so Grasshopper took the Old Goat in to see the vet and got a ride back with them. As she walked back across the lake, wearing snow shoes, she fell thru the slush three times and got wet. No pics, remember?, ya gotta pay to see that. 

A female brown-headed cow bird. They are lazy moms and lay their eggs in other birds nests and lets them raise her babies.

This morning. We still got snow.

Frozen solid.

Every spring I say it, and I'll say it again. I just can't believe that the ice "remembers" every track made all winter. Even boot prints and animal tracks.

Man! That's one cool swimmin' hole. Yeah, really rad man, Far out.

Grasshopper took this pic of the pool boy from the safety of the deck.

I think it's gonna be a race between being big enough to dive in and being able to walk out here.

It's hard to see, but the sun was really reflecting off of Sullivan's chimney this morning. 

Have you ever noticed how quiet and serene the winter is? And then comes spring and ruins all that. Birds chirping their cute little heads off ALL day long. Water running and dripping like CIA water boarding. Oh well, it's just around 210 days till the next snow.

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