Sunday, September 24, 2006

We all had a good time at Sharon's birthyday party.

No, Oscar wasn't the entree.

Lots and lots of good food.

Brian had it all prepared for rain, but it held off till after the party.

But, of course it poured down as I was crossing the lake. Good thing I had the old oil skins in the boat. We got 2 inches of rain since last night and I had to pump out the boat twice today.

1 comment:

John and Cathy Miller said...

So the birthday party was a success! How were your buns? I didn't see them on the table. No, not THOSE buns! I know you were better brought up than that!

Your weather has "caught up" with us down here. We've been long awaiting moisture heavier than the fog variety. And it finally arrived. Just as the gates opened to the Halifax Commons where, as you've probably heard, the Rolling Stones were to play in the evening. The 40% chance of rain became 100% but the concert went on, everyone played that was scheduled to play and the fans, soaked to the skin, had a blast. This, according to the Chronically Horrid, which ran a full page picture of Mick Jagger in this morning's edition, was the way it was.