I had a great visit with cousins Don and Gord and Don's son Lance. First I have to say that no fish were harmed on this adventure. A couple of small ones, but no keepers. Don is coming back in the spring with a couple of "Dupont" lures.
Gibson's road.

You would think that a couple of half Newfs could pull up a fish or two. Maybe they were jigging for squids.

The boys got to enjoy a Tomiko sunset.

Don slept out on the deck both nights.

I would also like to say sorry to all the little boys and girls out there. That "jingle jingle" you heard wasn't Santa Claus, it was just a Chevy Tracker heading down hwy 11 full of empties.
And a Grand time it twas as well. A
word of caution to anyone harbording a yen to drive into Frank's place. Make sure the 4-wheel is in good condition. 'Tis an adventure unto it's own. We made it out in one piece but amongst the three of us couldn't remember if Frank said 2 lefts, a right and 2 more lefts or 3 rights and a couple lefts oh you get the drift. I pulled into my driveway just before 4 after dropping Don & Lance off. It was a rather soggy drive home but we made it. Thanks again Frank. Hope to see you in the spring.
i was wondering why you didn't post any pics on the weekend. hope you had a good time! if you can remember any of it ;)
O negative, huh. Isn't that the universal donor blood type? If so, someone should be taking better care of their liver... Ah, but what the heck! Had a good time? That's all that's required.
I see that you just wet their appetites with a little fishing. I note that Don (the big fisher in the Miller family) is making plans to return. Wink, Wink Frank. Good strategy. They are sure to return to catch the big one that alluded them this time.
Is silly pop related to wobbly pop? I ask, 'cause I don't drink pop.
How far is it to the liquor store from your place?
Gotta ta go. I need a smoke...I gotta sneak outside, now! (I'm hiding from the vacumm cleaner which is crying out to be filled with doggy hair and other flotsam and jetsom. Exit, stage left...
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