The moon last night, full moon on Thursday.

Some colour on the Notman road.

The lake this afternoon.

So, I went to town this morning and some of you didn't stay out of my way. I left about 8:30 and made 11 stops. I was supposed to go to two more places, but my patience wore too thin. I'll hit those spots next month. I was back home at 1:30 and it took a half hour to empty the truck. Buy bulk I always say. I also got my Tomiko uniform tailored. Some day I'll have to take a picture of everybody on parade.
The other night I got a phone call from a guy who sleeps at the place that used to pay me. Now, this is a high tech company whose slogan, (besides the one that says "all employees are cattle dung"), is "making technologies work better". It seems that some of those over paid, not over worked, boobs can't find this site! Some times you don't get what you pay for. Sleep well Canada, these people will keep you safe!????
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