Sunday, March 24, 2013

How did your earth hour work out? Saved the power drain, huh?

Beautiful start to this day.

Beautiful start to yesterday. Sorry Jose, but it was pretty.

Pics from the road to Riches, or, as I like to call it, my church.

Twisted yellow birch stump.

This could also be a study of fractals. I would explain it to you, but your head would explode. You can go here to learn more at your own speed. Click to learn.

'peckers have been busy.

Fresh holes.

Pileated woodpecker, I would say by the size of the hole.

Oh, I just remembered. I had a very close encounter with a barred owl the other day. It was close enough that I felt the wind from it's wings when it flew away. It was a very WOW experience! No camera that day. Here's a pic from google. And a video barred owl

Hey, we still have lots of snow, probably good sledding for another week, maybe two, if you are Lee-ning that way. get it? har, har

Some peeps around here blame me, too.

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