Another shot of the moon setting a couple of days ago.

Yesterday morning these loony looking birds were just off the dock. They were about 1 1/2 the size of the common loon.

Last night, just after we got back from a boat ride, we heard a flock of geese land in the dark. This morning, as soon as I opened the door for a pic, they swam away. Later they took flight right over the cabin.

Friday evening, Grasshopper and I had a nice visit with TT, Cindy and Kathleen. Too bad that Razor, Mr. Slate and Trailer park Dan were there too.
Last evening we visited with Linda, Jen, and Daniell. Ron dropped by too, with out the Pickerel Queen, who had to work.
This morning I went to Frasertown and helped put in the docks at the marina. Yup, I got pics of the wet suit for the highest bidder!
Congrats to Kurt and Michelle on having another superkid on the way, due in November. Hey Sis, nana, nana, naaana!
It is hard to tell from the tiny pictures, but your loony birds appear to be red-breasted mergansers.
Thanks for the birthday wishes (and the card)and you are really not very nice - someday I'm sure I'll get at least one grandbaby, surely. I know I'll never catch up with you though! Oh, tell grasshopper I miss her comments on my blog. Are you keeping her too busy to comment???
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