Yesterday afternoon.

This morning.

It's been a busy last couple of days. Saturday evening, Tina, Razor, Bitchy Richie and I had a BBQ and corn boil on the Maxie II. Then we picked up Derek and Wesley, who were drowning worms in the middle of the lake, and Brian and Marg. We all headed to the Kelly's for a tour of the new house.
Yesterday I had to mow the weeds again. Yeah, I know, Little Tomiko rule 4A states that no work shall be done on Sundays. But, since I consider mowing a punishment, Sundays seems the appropriate day to do it.
Yesterday afternoon, Rich and I went to Frasertown. We were soon tasked with moving some customers into their cabins. Then we leveled Minky's trailer. Minky is my young euchre partner on men's weekend.
Then MISTER Soprano made us a deal we couldn't refuse, and invited us to supper. We had steak, burgers and corn and managed to leave with our knee caps intact.
Poor old Kita is all wore out. He managed to go outside and lift a leg this morning, but came right back in and is still sleeping. If you can't run with the young pups, etc, etc.
1 comment:
Maybe I will be paying a visit to Mr. Soprano to make a few arrangements if I have to deal w/the Bitchie Ritchie that called last night. He wasn't so cool on the phone.. I think you tired him out this weekend/partied too hard. He obviously missed his afternoon naps - hopefully he gets plenty of sleep for when I come up at the end of the month or he'll be sleeping at your camp.
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