We passed Colette and Don.
Colette shows how big the one that got away was.
This one didn't get away. This is Grasshopper's biggest pickerel to date. 23.5 inches. She let it go to make more babies.
A brown thrasher click to learn . I thought that it was a new bird to me, until Dr. J.W. reminded me that I had asked what it was last year. Sometimers, I guess. See? It was a new bird to me.

This little lady had a bump on her break, right between her lookers.
I spotted a yellow bit bobbing thru the maple out side our observation window. Correct me if I'm wrong, Dr. J.W., but I'm pretty sure it's a Nashville warbler. Another "new to me" bird. click to learn
And that's all I got for you today. How about a joke or two?
Call me.
Cluck, cluck, Stephen.
Another worthy one.

Your welcome.

And, we're cuddly.
Grasshopper's credo.
I think I worked with that guy.
Grasshopper's lament.
Wait, that's a coed prison, right?
Who thinks these things up?

Meanwhile, back at the farm... Use an electric fence to make this permanent.
Actually, it does mean that I know more than you do. And, I've got the scars to prove it.
We need election2.0
Finally, a worthy rescue of a knob.
Definitely not a Nashville Warbler; beak is wrong, as are the leg and throat colours. My thought is a Connecticut Warbler, and that is much better: Nashville Warblers are quite common, and most people (including myself) don't get a look at a Connecticut Warbler for more than a fraction of a second at a time before it goes into hiding for the next hour. Most people only "get" a Connecticut Warbler from voice alone.
There is a slight chance that it is a female Mourning Warbler (they are quite similar), but that would be an equally shy bird. The eye ring makes me think Connecticut, though.
My birding compatriot is likewise stuck on the ID from the photos. We agree on Mourning Warbler, but this is one of those grey areas. No matter, this is a unusual find.
That 23.5-inch pickerel you caught is epic! I'm proud of you for having the heart to let it go to produce more pickerels. Hahaha! Anyway, how's Tomiko Lake? It seems that there are lots of species of birds in there. The photos you shared are awesome. It's like I was also there with you. Hahaha! Thanks for hsaring that, Frank! All the best to you!
Melanie Daryl @ Isla Morada Fishing Source
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