Monday, December 29, 2014

I hope that you had an awesome Christmas. We'll get you up to date here at the center.  But you better grab a double eggnog, 'cause there's gonna be a whole bunch of pics.

Christmas Eve we all gathered at the Estate. 

It's all in the presentation.

Jon, carving the fowl.

Jose preparing the crown roast of pork.

One of the deserts.

Bryan, July, Grasshopper, Mary-Lou, Jon, Sir Edwin and Dame Jose.

Et moi.

On Christmas day we usually piggy back on our son's parent-in-law's celebrations with their 3 kids and 9 grand kids. This year Matt's family and Sarah's family couldn't arrive until the 26th. So the Slotes put on a traditional turkey dinner for us! Linda and Gerry are the best and we love them. Thank you guys. 

Floyd, chill-axing before the party.

Calliope, Cathy, Linda, Gerry, Rachel, Joseph and Nova.

The Bros.

Floyd wearing Grampa's, I mean Santa's hat.


A crash resistant helicopter.

Calliope got a Tekno robot puppy.

Instructions and batteries.

More batteries.

Thomas the train doesn't need batteries.

The puppy's eyes light up, wags it's tail and ears and does tricks like back flips.

Floyd loves the puppy, too and gives it kisses.

Har, har, har!

Boxing day.  Too much rain has ruined the lake. We had a hard time crossing the lake Christmas Eve, so we sledded around the lake yesterday to Bedrock to go to town. This air hole is beside the snow ramp.

You can see the ruts that we made Christmas Eve.

This air hole actually goes under the snow ramp.

Our drive way is still in good shape.

Dec 27th.

This is Her, of the broken leg. It looks like the foot is about to fall off.

View from the roof. The ice road looks like a causeway.

Dec 28th. Guess who's birthday? 

Yup, that's me with a fudgesicle. If you can dish it out, ya gotta take it. 

SUN! For my birthday!

The Brown Super kids took me out for a birthday lunch and then it was back to the Slote household. 

Floyd reading Grandpa a story.


The Brown and Bishop families have been working on this quilt for most of the year, mailing it back and forth from Kitchener to Ann Arbor. All of the kids contributed by picking fabrics and drawing blocks and doing a whole row. Most of the kids did some sewing.

Calliope gave us a recital.

Floyd really rocked it.


More sun, woot, woot!

-18  this morning. The lake is healing itself.

I took some pics of some of the blocks.

Part of Kaeden's row.







Every place you look there is something that relates to me or where we live.

And now you know why my grandkids are superkids, and their parents are pretty special, too. Now I'm feeling a little verklempt, I better go before the keyboard gets damp.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are a lucky grandpa,