Sunday, January 26, 2014

We never get tired of the sun sets.

Look at George, or, rather, look under him!

He might be on a diet, but, he doesn't have to like it.

Friday night and Saturday it stormed. You know that expression, "the wind doesn't blow, PEI sucks"? Aw, don't take it personal Spud, ya know it's true. If you were ever on a JLC course in CFB Summerside , in November, up to your "Y" joint in a swamp, you know, for a fact, that it's true. Any way, it snowed and blowed all night and half of the day. But, we did make tons of wind power. The batteries stayed in "the green" for over twenty four hours, with out generator assistance. 

Snow blasted thru the screens.

Kitchen window.

The back door.

There were cool drifts everywhere.

Most of our walkways are at least waist high.

Makin' power.

Peanut butter for the birdies.

Chilli'n this mornin'.

Is it just me, or are the trees on the ice road shrinking?

Nope, no Pope here.

Our smoke wafting across the lake.

Sometimes I have terrible flash backs to working for the man, and I get all these nasty thoughts running thru my brain. 

And then I look out over the lake, take a deep breath of fresh air, say "OM", and every thing is AOK. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

stole some of your funnies