It looks like the wolves had a hootenanny on the driveway.

These tracks were along the A5 road. They doesn't really look like bear tracks in the skiff of snow, but I think are based on the distance between the left and right tracks.

The cold temperatures the past couple of days has slowed down the melt. We lost some gravel on the road but it is still passable. I would even drive some one's Audi across the washout.

Wolf poo on the driveway. You can see some hair, moose, I think.

okay, so rule #1 was "no naked pics of GpF on the internet"
and now i can see we are in need of rule #2 : "no pictures of poo".
your cooperation is much appreciated.
the wife and I think that maybe beaver for those tracks, just don't look like bear tracks, but it's kinda hard to tell. nope all the votes are in ....beaver by a landslide.
rule#2 seconded, and passed.
thx michelle.
I vote for porcupine for the tracks, big porcupine.
I agree - no poo pics! Although, I have to admit we were looking a baby goat poo on the internet to see if our baby was healthy - his poo was perfect!
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