Road runner mode.

Panic mode.

Yesterday I was working on the boat while Grasshopper and Kita went for a walk out the driveway. I heard crunching on the lake. I thought it was a couple of nut bars coming home. When I looked out on the lake, I saw these two moose. They had come around the point from Yammie swallowing bay. They were really close, heading for the ski-doo trail that bypasses my property. By the time that I jumped out of the boat, ran in the house, door slamming, got the camera, ran out of the house, door slamming, they had moved off a bit. They ran in a circle and then headed back into the bush.

The lake is not close to even thinking about opening. The night time temps drop to zero, refreezing what had melted through the day.
And I've been waiting so long to see a moose or better yet, mooses. So how come I was up the road with Kita when these guys showed up? Negative Ions, perhaps.
Great pictures! I even enjoyed the production number to and from the house for the camera. I can see it now!
I am very surprised to see that moose are actually graceful looking especially when in motion.
yeah they are graceful...if given room to maneuver, but they can "bull in the china shop" with the best of them. Bison, despite their size are remarkably agile as well. Charlene and I saw a bunch of buffaloes in about four feet of snow bouncing around like rabbits, they didn't force their way thru the snow but hopped from place to place and managed to move at a real good clip.
nice pictures frank,very rare moment you captured.hope all is well with you guys and cabin fever doesent hit you.cheers,razor xo
ah....I'm so homesick....I wanna come home...it's too way too chilly here! Those pics you captured Frank just confirms what I feel in my heart....Tomiko...no place else on earth like it. A huge thank you for warming my heart...I can't wait to return home where the solitude and the people are like gems.....Sending love from "chilly" Santiago Chile.....Tomiko Tina....xoxoxo
why is the snow not red around the moose in the pic? or did you not want the evedence saved. lots of nice steaks there!!
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