Tuesday morning, the only day for the past two weeks that we had decent sun.

Wednesday evening we went to the Fowler's for a welcome home dinner for Jamie and Rachel. Left to right, Ed, single guy Jamie, Rachel, TT, June (who I missed the last time, but might be picking her nose here, at least I didn't miss you this time!!), Bryan, Jose, Dawson, Grasshopper, and Catherine. Missing is Shalom Sheila, who was baby sitting Rosie.


We are still giving Kreskin a.k.a "The Magic Man" the gears. That was a classic. I bought him a pair of those big Elton John types at Value Village last week, told him it was a belated anniversary gift..
On another note Cal Grandy had a heart attack last week, must of been after you seen Barb at the Vet. He's home now doing ok. He had to get some hardware put in at Sudbury.
Everything is pretty much right on par at the Chocolate Factory, Stephen Leung is retiring this Tuesday. Things got a whole lot quiterwhen Sheila left. By the way there's a posting coming out in a few days?????
Frank keep up the good work. We southeners from the Hammer town like keep up with whats going on around our cottage.
What a cute dog!
Hey, Frank and Grasshopper,
The pictures are wonderful. That was such a great gathering. Rosie is definitely full of more piss and vinegar since that sleepy night.
She has been the cutie-pie, in residence, at the schools where I go to assess the children, and she puts a smile on everyone's face.
Dawson and I loved seeing you and meeting Grasshopper. Would like to hang out with you two ol' boomer lefties sometime. We eccentrics should stick together. I did not get enought time to chat with Kathy.
All the best your way, guys!
Shalom Sheila
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