This pic was sunrise a couple of days ago.

That evening.

The Redpolls have shown up at the feeders, eating us out of house and home.

Last night was pretty interesting. First, we heard wolves howling behind Fennell's Bay, maybe down the river. Then we heard a loud "SKREEEE! SKREEE!" I took a million power flash light in the back yard and found an owl up in a yellow birch. I"m not sure what kind it was. By the time I thought of getting a picture, he flew off. It was about fifteen inches tall.
Hey Tim, I notice that you haven't put up pics of your snow. I think that you are just trying to give us snow envy. What?! You put your boat away? I guess that you won't be applying for the ice breaker job.
Hey Sis, everybody needs friends with brain damage to climb ladders for them. Can't hurt what's all ready broke. I use Richie for my climbing needs.
JT, I wonder who will fill that position. Another motor mouth?
That'sit for today, dial up has knocked me off five or six times in the past half hour.