Today was laundry day. Again, you might say "big deal". You suburbanites make me laugh. Where do you think your water comes from, the sky? Oh, never mind. I don't have a winterised water system yet. So I have to haul my water from the lake. I have a 60 gallon holding tank for showers and dishes. But the washing machine uses 20 gallons per wash and 20 for the rinse cycle for a large load. Today I did 2 LARGE loads. To get water I go down to the lake and drill a hole. I use a bilge pump to fill the containers. I then take the containers home and use the bilge pump to fill the holding tank. I had 10, 5 gallon containers on the sleigh. You might ask "Did you get that 500 pounds of water up the hill?" Yep, sure did........the first time. On the second trip the "poor" (insert your favorite cuss word) old deaf dog, who was running in front of me, stopped to look and see if I was still coming. So I had to stop half way up the hill. The hill was pretty chewed up after I finished getting unstuck. So the next 2 trips I only carried 20 gallons per trip. Now you know how I keep in such good shape. Hey! Round is a shape!
Hint: You are using the wrong type of washer for your setup. Perhaps you could sell your top loading washer and buy a front loader. These use a fraction of the water, soap and power to operate. Savings all round. The extra you pay up front saved in no time. In the meantime, you have an activity that will use up some of that spare time you have.
I'm tired just hearing about it! By the way, you are writing is very entertaining - I feel like I'm right there with you experiencing it - maybe you should write your memoirs on those cold winter nights . . . ?
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