This picture was supposed to show Kita's tracks on the snow machine
track. We went to town today. Now, you might say big deal, but when
you live in the middle of nowhere it's not as simple as hopping in your
vehicle and going. First you have to get your snow machine out of the
garage and hook up your sleigh and load up what ever you need to take,
ex: empty gas cans. Then you have to put on your snowmobile suit. Then
go across the lake and transfer stuff to your truck. Then take off your
suit and put on your Sunday go to meetin' coat and shoes. Then when
you get back from town, you do everything in reverse, except your
usually bringing back a lot more than you took, ex: full gas cans and

Very fine snow crystals in the air makes for a hazy day.
1 comment:
So going into town is quite an event for you,huh? I went shopping in Greenwood today - hopped in the van and went - too easy! For some reason I can't send e-mails to you or Michelle - do you know if there is a problem with Yahoo? Oh, by the way, we've been highspeed since Monday - what a joy (especially for checking everyones blogs!)
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