Sunday, May 21, 2017

Whoa, has it been a week already? Hmmm, let's see what the cameras have. This could be a bigger post. 

 OK, let's time travel back to the 14th. 

The lake is still dropping.

That pesky beaver is still eating cedar,

and making a mess on the beach.

Our road is drying up a bit.

You can see what your neighbours are up to. So far this spring I have seen moose, bear, deer, wolf, fox, and raccoon tracks in this one spot which is only 200 yards from our cabin..

 The 15th.

Bear tracks on our road.

I tried to zoom in on a pileated woodpecker.

Pine siskins.

Red trillium ready to open.

Some of Grasshopper's flowers.


I think this is my favourite bird, the northern flicker.


 I walked down to the beach without getting a soaker. This blow down is on the way.

Loon in the rain.

Wolf tracks at the beach.

The spring at the beach, also known as the beer cooler, is really running. The loon just stayed in the current, feeding.

Harder to see, deer tracks.

American goldfinches.

Bear tracks where our road is closest to Sand lake.

They're baack. 

On the 17th Grasshopper made a chocolate chip cookie cake for Mrs. Smith's birthday


Woke up to a dusting of snow.

My little buddy is still lookin' for luv.

Wind knocked off a branch off of the big fir in our back yard.

Pileated pecker pecking the driveway.

Trying to shoot the first hummer.

This grouse flew in and landed beside the rain gauge. Pic shot thru 2 screens.

Someone left this composting toilet in the parking lot beside the highway???

Raining this morning. Just a quick jog around the block. Still dropping.

You don't get to see this view of the on ramp to the Don Fraser Bypass. Normally I would be up to my crotch in water.

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