Bill's point the other day.
We finally got around to fishing for a few minutes on the 23rd.
This raven kept squawking at us.
I caught the first pickerel of the season. I'm trying to stretch him out.
Then Grasshopper caught this 19 inch beauty. It had to be released 'cause in this zone you can not keep pickerel between 16.9 and 23.6 inches.
On the 24th Squire James, AKA Smith and I put in the dock at the Estate. The supervisors were TT, Grasshopper, Juliet, Mary-Lou, and Jose. The low water made it easier. As they used to say in the military, "the dress of the day" was bug jackets.
Jose treated us to a turkey dinner.
Grasshopper's shots around the yard.
Blueberry flowers.
Our water line is very visible.
Lilac planted last year.
Red trillium.
We made ciabatta buns. A long and messy job, good for a rainy day. This could keep some super kids busy for a whole day. I couldn't find any pics of the finished product, but, they are very good.
The very rare bush chickens.
We went to the Smith's for Knobs and dogs on the BBQ.
The view from their deck.
Write this down on your calendar. There was NO wind @ Little Tomiko on the 27th of May 2017!!! Lately it's been very rare indeed.
Yesterday we went to Timiskaming with Jose, Johanna, John and Mary-Lou. This beaver cheater is on the Weyerhaeuser road. Beaver cheaters prevent beavers from plugging up culverts. We have never seen one like this before.
Tembec has a huge lumber mill here. In the news lately is that there might be a friendly (?) takeover by an American firm.
A fountain on the way into town.
Good food, good prices.
This old photo is over a fireplace. Look at all of those brookies. You wouldn't keep that many now-a-days.
After brunch we did a little walking tour. There are trails all around the town.
We walked along the Gordon creek.
Creek? My self, I think it's a pretty good river.

You walk down one side and then take a bridge across and walk down the other side.
and lots
and lots of stairs.
The old train station is a museum.
This sluice took water along the creek to a turbine for power.
It is built like a long wooden barrel.
A video of the creek.
You can buy "pas cher bière" ici.
I think that the beavers must be fixing their dam. The stick on the far right was the level last week the middle stick is where it is today. And all of this rain is helping.
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