Sorry for the resolution, but the camera with the better zoom is on an archaeological expedition to the land that time forgot. Here, under the V are the ravens and eagle.
Here, under the U one of the ravens leaves and the eagles starts to lift off.
The eagle is airborne with a raven right behind.
The eagle is being escorted out of protected airspace.
One raven leading the eagle and another behind.
Last Saturday I had heard splashing down at the dock. I assumed it was just some ducks. Later, I found that a moose had walked up the shore and found it's way blocked by the dock and it turned around and went back whence it came.
Last evening I went fishing with the Slates and friend of Dan's, Josh. Josh caught the big fish of the night.
Mr. Slate's fish were getting heavy.

It was dark by the time I got home. When I came around the garage this small tree was blocking my way. I must have scared off the beaver.
Today I found where the beaver got the tree, right beside the garage.
So, Grasshopper "suggested" that I had toooo many jokes on the last post. But ...

Or a backhand sandwich.
I C U!
This brought back memories of the "open door policy" ..... by appointment, only.

I didn't know that they were an option, but apparently they are.

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