Good Luck to Team Awesome on your JDRF walk for a cure tomorrow.
If you have some spare pennies (oops, nickles), shekels, rubles, rupees, rands, yens, francs, or any other legal currency, you can make a donation HERE. 

SILy Lizzie is back home being waited on hand and foot by my personal nurse. Those screams that you heard the other day was her first visit to physio.
Still tooooo buggy to spend much time outside, so not too many pics.
On Tuesday a couple of cedar waxwings dropped by for a few short minutes.
Wednesday was kinda stormy, so.....
I made some Italian bread. The loaf on the left was made the traditional way by rolling the dough out and then rolling up the loaf. The other was made by just blobbing it out. Not much difference on the inside.
Very calm yesterday morning.
Some foggy bits on the lake this morning.
Check this out. I scored some cookies from the Metcalf family.

four twenties-ten-eight, four-twenties-ten-nine, cent. ???

Life @ Lil' Tomiko.


Do you see a trend here?
You can now legally put one of these in a cookie. The other one is a nutbar.

That's it, I'm done.

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