Friday, May 18, 2012

This little fella would get onto the deck and jump up on the can that Grasshopper keeps her bird seed, until...

The lid was off! I thought of putting George in the can because the chippers tease him 'cause they know that he isn't fast enough to catch them, and they some times run right over him. But Grasshopper was home.

Real live in the wild bunny, Sis.

Follow the duck.

Out of focus landing.

"Purple"? finches.

I went quading with AKA Smith and Art.

Times are tough, even for the Bank of Little Tomiko.

We found this recently deceased Common Flicker.

It's the May 24 weekend, so, remember to party responsibly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, Purple Finches. Birders have their own sense of colour. A Purple Finch is raspberry in colour (A House Finch is more variable, but generally firetruck red).
- Joseph.