Sunday, May 06, 2012

Happy Birthday to my sister, Margaret, also known as the bunny lady.

No, no, no, not THAT kind of bunny lady!

This kind of bunny lady.

She also has goats in her house. Don't ask about the bats.

So, Happy birthday, Sis.

This past week we celebrated Byran's birthday with a Fowler Feast. In attendance were, in no particular order, Bryan, of course, his son Cory, Sir Edwin, Jose, Razor, TT, Grasshopper, me and Jayalakshmi. Sorry, Jose, I never seem to get your face, do I?

It's been a busy week. G'hopper and I went to Geri's place on Indian Lake to put in her water and docks.

Indian Lake is high and moved the docks around.

One section was at her neighbor's place.

Beavers chopped down some of her trees.

Way down there.

Right across the water line, breaking it.

But we Frankensteined it and all was OK. 

Dock and swim platform in.

Waiting for breakfast.

Golden Eye.

First yellow flower, and it's not a dandelion!

Snorkeling loon.

Him and her.

Full moon last night. I didn't notice the branches when I took the photo. Enlarge the pic.

Maple buds are almost ready to pop, so black flies are right behind. The first humming birds showed up just before supper. No food out yet, so no pic, yet.

One last funny for Sis.

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