Danger, Will Robinson, Danger!
The new age Thelma and Louise, AKA The Queen of London and Grasshopper are descending on the Land That Time Forgot. They plan to wreck havoc and mayhem, or fun and games at least, on the poor, suffering souls on the Least Coast.
Packing up. How much stuff do you really need for a three week trip?

Bye! Have fun and remember, "It's only fun and games 'till someone loses an eye, or a hip."

Some more sun sets.

Supper time for the Whiskey Jacks.

Lately I have been uploading the pics in full size, thanks to high speed. If you want to you can click on them for a bigger picture.
Happy Birthday Coolman!
I would put up a pic of you but you have probably grown a beard since the last time your Dad did a blog. Just sayin'.
I was going to put a Happy Birthday on Tim's blog for Coleman, until I noticed that he had not updated in since July!!! Eeek!
So Cathy and Linda are obviously driving down?? Hoping they make it down this way. What will you do to occupy yourself for 3 weeks?
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