Sunday, October 24, 2010

On Friday evening, just after dark, it was reported that there might be a boat floating around Tomiko Pond. Being that it was dark and by myself, I didn't think that I would put myself at risk for a possible boat, or a log, or Tommy the Loch Tomiko Monster. After all, does anybody really know what those Limeys put in their tea? Yesterday morning Pet Lamb also reported a boat bobbing off of Richie's. I eventually found the boat bumping on shore about a hundred yards from the Shaw's.

There was no plug in the boat and water up to the seats making it really heavy to tow and with no keel it zigzagged all over. The bow tried to submarine whenever I picked up speed threatening to take my boat down to Davey Jones Locker too.

I eventually dragged it to Maxie Park where TT and Vic helped bail it out and haul it up on shore. The boat's owner has been notified.

1 comment:

Melinda and Timothy Brown said...

Good to see the Little Tomiko Lake Marine Salvage doing a brisk business...I shoulda bought shares