The beavers flying back and forth like they just realized that winter is here and they are not ready. There were also fish jumping clear out of the water???? Water too cold?

Ice starting to form near the shore. It has to hold off until Saturday when I will have my girls tucked in for the winter.

At times this morning there was this eerie, what do you call it? A brightness not heard of since the days of yore and whispered about by Pagans and Wickens.

A snow angel for Grasshopper.

Pet Lamb and Captain Vic; Conversation can be rather limited when your dog is deaf, and cats just don't care. Maybe the fly is a BUG planted some one to keep an eye on me. The fly is still there.
Bestest Snow Angel EVER!!! Thanks, Swami!
You are welcome
snow snow snow pretty white snow.
That really is the bestest snow angel ever - perhaps the cold weather will preserve it until Friday. As for the snow - you can keep that a little longer - we haven't had a flake here yet and that is fine with us!
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