Some sun sets from whenever we had sun last????

It's good to know that bush engineers some times gets it wrong too with leaners and widow makers.

This house fly has been on the outside of this window for a couple of weeks now. It is still alive as it rotates and has moved about two inches this week.

Just about in the hurry-up-and-wait mode in regards to the boat and dock. Snow machines are all ready to go. The weather is still warm, although they are calling for more seasonal temps this weekend and maybe some snow. I hope it holds off until my two favorite girls come back at Little Tomiko, both due in the end of next week. In the meanwhile, Mr. Slate keeps me busy, and feeds me supper too.
I bet you are counting the days until grasshopper returns:)
thank god Cathy is comming home it is pretty bad when you sit and watch every move the house fly does say hi to Cathy and tell her very sorry to here about her mom see the two of you soon
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