We thought we were losing Kita earlier this week. It seems that he might have had a stroke and was having trouble moving around. He was too ill and sore to take to the vet over our rough roads. But by today he has improved so much that we went fishing, just the two of us like the old days B.C. He is still having some trouble getting up off the floor, but who doesn't? The quality of life issue will have to be monitored, but for now his eyes are still bright and he still smiles. He is eating, drinking, and doing #1"s and #2"s. Life must be OK if you don't need a diaper.

This bass was jumping off of the dock for days. I had hooked him 4 or 5 times, but he always managed to spit the lure. Then I finally caught him,

and let the warrior go to fight another day.

We just had a thunderstorm go rumbling through. This was just before things got interesting.
Have you tried giving Kita Glucosimine tablets in his food? This helped our Malamute alot in his last five years of life. I hope Kita is feeling better soon.
maybe just the blahs from the dog days of summer? hope he feels better soon.
Glad to hear that Kita is feeling better! I know how much he is loved.
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