Canada Day
This lone goose kept me company a few days ago when Grasshopper and Linda went to town to bottle some grape juice. I'm told that it's for medicinal purposes only. They say that it is good for tract infections??? Back to the goose, all day it just bobbed off the end of the dock, occasionally honking .

The bass have left the dock, leaving behind their little ones (the little black dots). Bass actually lay their eggs in a nest and the males guard them until they hatch.

This past week the heat and humidity gave way to cooler, unsettled weather. Sun, cloud, heavy showers....

Which led to the best double rainbow, ever.

We had our fireworks show last night. No pics 'cause we watched from the safety of a screened in deck. It seems like every day we are saying "this is the worst day ever for bugs". I think they are cross breeding so they can take advantage of the worst of their traits. The good news is if they get any bigger, we will be able to hunt them with shot guns.
Cool rainbow! I wonder if there was a pot of gold at the end of it?
I liked the double-rainbows. Rainbows are made from sun and rain. The sun has to be behind you, and it has to be raining. The rain acts like a prism. A prism takes the white light from the sun and spreads the colours apart.
wow awesome pics ,looks like a awesome lake ,thanks for sharing !
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