Too busy this week to blog or to take pics. We got Linda settled in for the summer. Oh! Linda brought us a nice present, all the way from Florida. Five Cm's of SNOW! YAHOO! Thanks Linda, you shoulda been here last week when we had temps in the high twenties.
I helped Razor and Whitey build a deck on BK's cabin and put in the docks.
Razor and Whitey are thinking about having a wake for Bitchy Richie on May 24 weekend, if they can find enough people who care.
I have to send out a "good day mate" to Jan and Elsie, down under, in the penal colonies. Jose says hi, too.
OK, I got a couple of pics for you. I was offered five bucks not to post them, but I got a better offer to put them up. Remember, the same as last year, if I disappear, look for a guy with a bullet and a back hoe. Some people get jealous that I look better in a wet suit.