It's been a quiet week. (they don't call her Chatty Cathy for nothing).
Saturday I took a day off from working on fire wood and went to Frasertown to give old man Razor a hand with his .... fire wood. Due to technical difficulties, not allot got done.
I call this cheating.

We had strong winds on Saturday that blew all the snow off the lake down to Toronto. (chuckle, chuckle). Kita had a hard time running on the lake, so I finally tackled him and put him on the Yammie. He was SOOO embarrassed. He thinks that the only dogs that ride on snow machines are sissy little rat dogs.
When winter starts I shovel snow and make a snow ramp from the lake to my property. It's about five feet high and survives traffic and rain. the ice cracked and the crack came up through the ramp.

Tell Razor he'll never get that 6 pack or buns of steel until he stops cheating...Manual labour is not sitting on a snow machine driving around enjoying himself hours on end! Or stacking wood with the use of the back hoe...
So are you getting a little tired of your bachelor time?
Dad always said, when I would complain about those ENDLESS landscaping projects, and I qoute
" You might as well learn it now, Manual Labor is not the president of Mexico "
I still smile, and indeed have used that line on Beckers myself.
Haha that's hilarious, I may make some puppies and am ok with a gun, ask the rabbit in the woods in NS without a toe. Oh by the by if you somehow end up on a domestic terrorist watchlist living off the grid as you do, I will have no idea how that happened.
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