Even though it was -17 this morning, with a wind chill of -25, I think that we are on the nonslippery slope to bug season. The sun is packing a lot of heat and snow is starting to melt. There is still over two feet of ice on the lake, except for in the narrows, where I went wading yesterday while checking out where to put the solar lights.

Yesterday I installed some sea gull deterents on rocks around the lake. This one is to the left of Richie's lot, so that who ever gets to use the place this summer can get a good night's sleep.

A new and improved solar light with reflectors for gull sht rock.

Some moral support for Doc Shaw's pet owl.

The sun now sets well north, out of camera range from the front steps.

That's it for today, except, when have I heard that before Richie?
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