We had our first frost last night, YAHOO!, BUT they are calling for highs of 20 plus degrees the next few days.
We've been collecting, splitting and stacking firewood the past few days. The cooler weather makes this a more pleasant task. I hope we get as much energy out of the wood as we are putting in.
Grasshopper, Linda and Sharon are having another girl's day in town. If this keeps up, I'll never have to go to town again!!!
JT, it's nice to see that some people at Nastypuke still use "back doors".
Hey Tim, if you are having trouble with your Internet at home, just use your employer's. (read above)
JT is the master of "back doors" he learnt from the best Kreskin. lol
PS nice bread loafs
Richie #2
I told Kreskin if he ever broke his windshield he could use one the lens out of those hubbles...
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