Monday, June 04, 2007

Variable weather the past few days with high humidity, sun, rain, and thunder boomers every day. Today it is raining and a pleasant 19c.

There have been flocks of geese going north every day this past week.

On Saturday, Grasshopper went yard saleing in town with Kathleen, Kathleen's mom, and Stephanie. Now I have more stuff(?). That evening we had a lake trout supper at the Kelly's. The bugs have been so bad the past few days that even Kita spends most of the day inside. Thankfully the dragon flies are out already, everything seems early this year. Even the fire flies are out already.

1 comment:

the Mailman Family said...

Our black flies are out in full force and we've seen the odd mosquito too - so they are not far behind. Ugh! I hate all those flying, biting things! Is grasshopper prettying up the place with her yard sale finds?