I wasn't the only one out for an early morning walk, but, I usually "GO" before my walk.

Nov. 28th
Kayak ready to assist in dock removal.
God light at sun down.
Nov. 30th
A recipe for track soup. Weasel? and grouse.
The scene of the crime? You can see a mouse/mole tunnel in the snow and then it's all wiped out by wolf tracks.
If you ever wonder if a track is a fox or a wolf, it is a fox, 'cause there is never any doubt when you do see a wolf track.
Fox, wolf, peeps. These pics were taken just out side of our gate. About 75 yards away from the traffic camera.
Oh! oh! oh! oh! I almost forgot! We hadn't seen Lucy for at least month or so. Then last Wednesday, there she was! We are thinking that the loons moved to Sand Lake. Then, adult loons migrate first and then, some how, the immature loons make there way to the coast. Then Lucy came by to say see ya later.
She still doesn't have the adult plumage yet.
Caught on the traffic camera last night. ???
So, the end of November and the start of December held so much promise ... and then, rain, +10 degree temps have killed our hopes of sledding across the lake to visit the super kids at Christmas.

The previous record for taking the boat out was Dec 5th, and we had to chop it and the dock free of ice.
Flash back.
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