So, last Sunday/Monday "they" were forecasting -10 degree temps and snow starting today. We decided to make our last trip to town by boat on Wednesday and take the boat and dock out on Thursday. So that's what we did.
The day started off with some promise, but every time we started something, it would start drizzling again.
She looks pretty content right where she is.
We hooked up the 150 to Grasshopper's Polaris. The Arctic Cat is standing by, if needed.
The boat is on the trailer.
Here we go.
Now it's time for the dock.
A little water trickled through my arm pits right here.
We have it all set up to fix the front legs and add wheels for next year.
We'll throw another tarp over the boat after it dries out a bit more.
After all of this, "they" now say that we could have probably left the boat in until New Years.

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