Happy Birthday to Me!
It wasn't a green Christmas, it was a Brown Christmas.
Floyd opening his presents.

Floyd opening his presents.
Oooooo, Snot Rod!
Calliope got some books.
Lord of the Flies.
Floyd "helping" Nova.
Lego Batman.
Floyd "helping" Papa.
10 games in one.
29 bazillion pieces of Lego.
Random cuteness.

Bat plane.
More random cuteness, 'cause I can.

Again this year, Linda and Gerry put on a full turkey dinner with all of the fixins and three deserts. The best in-laws, ever.

Floyd gave us a concert. Calliope did an awesome concert too, but the picture was messed up.
Calliope, Linda and Rachel.
Grandpa head locks.
We could have boated on Christmas day, and then it iced over on boxing day.
On the 27th it was time for a Bishop Christmas.
Floyd "helping" Ellia open her presents.
A volleyball.
An Ipod case.
I have never seen anybody so happy that she didn't have to borrow her brother's Ipod charger any more.

Kaeden got a Minecraft book and a gift card to get the ones not published yet.
Kurt and Michelle got hanging tomato plants.
and peppers, too.
FINALLY!, it's Athena's turn.

A magnifying glass.
Bracelet kits.
GpF reading thru bi-focals.

More bi-focal reading. Maybe somebody else needs a magnifying glass.

Athena made a Rudolf sock puppet.
Random cuteness.
More random cuteness.
Hey Sis, count 'em up.

I think that there are six super kids. 1,2,3,4,5,6.
Yup, there are definitely six super kids, right there.