I know that it's been awhile, not as long as Itchy Richie, but we've been on the road and came home to a dead internet.
We told you about the robin nest out our observation window, well, it seems to have been abandoned. Then it started to build nests in 3 out of 4 propane tanks. We evicted them before they got too far along. Then they renoed a nest beside the garage that they used last year.
Last Friday we went to Kitchener to visit the Bishop Super kids. On Saturday we went to kung fu classes.
That's some serious meditation right there.

High kicking.
Nun chucks.
Kaeden getting fancy with the nun chucks.
Ellia with the double nun chucks.
Here, they do a set routine as fast as they can. Carefully!

Ellia's turn.
What does a big brother get for giving piggy back rides?
You get props. "Kaeden is awesome" "Kaeden is funny".
On Saturday we made Grandpa Frank's world famous Italian bread. After the first rise.
Take that dough head!

After the second rise.
Everybody was kung fu fighting.

Rolling out the loaves.
Good job girls.
Mean while, as the bread baked...
We played rammoli.
As they say in the land that time forgot, "somebody is right some proud" of their bread.
Yup, that's some good eats right there.
Urban bunnies.
Ya know why nobody messes with Grandpa Frank?
He has a ninja crew watching his back.

Yeah, you better back off, dough head.
Flying ninja Bob.
You can't go to Kitchener with out a visit to Candy Candy Candy.
Kman has the loot bag.
Monday evening, while Mom and Dad had a date night at the "Hip" concert, we did some crafts. Here we are making crazy book marks.
This is how they work.
Then we learned how to make macrame doll key chains.
Each ninja made 2 book marks and 2 chains for each parent and the parent had to guess who made what. As dad had to go to work early the next day, we don't know the results.
When we left Tuesday morning we had to take the traditional front step pic.

1 comment:
one lucky gram pa ! bro
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