Tuesday, July 01, 2014


These pics fell thru the digital cracks. We had dinner @ the AKA Smiths a couple of weekends ago. Beer butt chicken and 2X's baked taters. 

Looking goood.

Hey! We had green stuff on the side, it was just way off to the side.

Almost "finger lickin'good".

 Going home one evening after fishing.

On Saturday Bone Head and I tuned up the Lady Jo and replaced her throttle and shifter cables.

Hanging out on the lanai.

Departing The Estate.

 We  were in Corky, who leaves a big wake ...

 and we attracted sea-doos like moths to a flame.

The Burgesville picker picked up a sled for Carrie that doesn't have a big dent in the hood. 

We are moving into the 20th century with satellite TV. I know that you won't recognize me with my pants on, but that is me up the ladder.

Josie had us all over for dinner last night for fixin' Paul's boat. Bacon burgers and chili dogs.

That's Corky, all tied up.

This is something that you don't often see, some else in Josie's kitchen. As they say down home, Jalila looks "right some proud". Pass the pepto!

Edwin checking out the spread.

Bone Head, Sir Ed, Jasrah, Grasshopper and Bryan.

Josie, Carrie and Big Luke.

 We had to tie a pork chop bone around Luke's neck to get the dogs to play with him.


 Surfin' Tomikooo

Sun going down on the way home.

I wish that I could wear my toque today.

Mrs. AKA?


And not for the first time.

No harm, no foul.

This guy, grrrr

Finally!, an engineer that I can agree with.


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