Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The weather has been so crappy Lately that I forgot that we had a sunset last Friday.


On Saturday we stepped out on Jose and had supper at the AKA Smith's. Their flattened bunkie is being rebuilt.

Deep fried turkey.

Lookin' goood.

45 minutes later, TADAAA!

Next up, fries.

Mike, Mason is ducked down behind his dad, Mary, Grasshopper, Jon, and the little one is Isabel.

Fred, Toby, Mary Lou, and Natalie.

Sort of a sunset, every thing turned pink.

two partridges in a yellow birch tree.

On Sunday we did go to Jose's for a roasted turkey supper. While there we checked up on the Campbell girls pet ducks. It seem that they really like it there and they can't leave, like they have some kind of tie there..

Ed, Grasshopper, Jacey, Bryan, Jo, Jamie and TT. My simm card messed up and I lost some food pics.

Monday morning.

Had to dig out the solar panel snow rake.

We have a female cardinal. Never seen one this far north. The male has been spotted in Bedrock.

With dark eyed juncos.

She is VERY camera shy. We also have a fox sparrow, but it has E.S.P. and can tell when you are even thinking about picking up your camera.

This is really hard to see, but it is a robin with white all over it.

It's back.

If it keeps raining, I'm going to Build this boat.


Anonymous said...

Nice to see that you can still get some play out of those ducks...LOL Nice snow.. Anne

Anonymous said...

looks like the popes nose was not eaten. whats up with that?