Saturday, March 05, 2011

Last Tuesday morning I took Grasshopper for a drive around the block.

I can't tell you where this goes, or I would find myself on the wrong end of a bullet and a backhoe.

Razor, Grasshopper has some redecorating ideas for you. Your turn!

Original log cabin sandwiched between vinyl siding.

This one is for Linda, and Dave and Sharon.

The other day I was riding the ski-doo-bee-doo when I saw a sun dog in the rear view mirror.

I managed to get a pic when I got home.

We woke up to some flurries and a breeze this morning. You know, no whining, no crying, except maybe from the Duchess of Tomiko and I think I heard a "OH NO!" from Bedrock. But that's the way we roll at the center, no snowmegeddon, no calling out the army. Just get the Notman plow crew unstuck and carry on with your day. So much for Willie, Sam, and Phil. Who could trust a rat, or a rat dog? 

Then it's off to Metropolis to see Stephen Harper the musical.


1 comment:

the Mailman Family said...

Beautiful pics - you almost make the snow look like a good thing - LOL! We are getting tired of it here and enough of the rat dog comments! Chloe had a visitor last night - Rodney the 5lb terrier - made Chloe look HUGE!