Sunday, March 20, 2011

Friday evening we had another birthday dinner at Frasertown for Jose. I poached these pics from Jose's facebook as I didn't take any because my camera was full of water. Long story, I'll tell you sometime over a long, tall, cool Mojito. Short story, alcohol cures everything.

L/R, me, Gord, Barb, Juanita, TT, Razor, Bryan and a shy Grasshopper. 

You can see Jose in this pic.

We had a flash freeze after the last rain.

The trails froze "insitu".

You can skate the rest of the lake like an NHL Hockey rink.

The moose have been going up and down the driveway.

They break saplings along the road.

And eat the new growth.

It looks like this moose was walking with Grasshopper.

Glosette raisins, my favourite.




C said...

I don't understand why Brian Harris hasn't commented...he is so into poop pictures!

the Mailman Family said...

So aren't you getting tired of the snow yet????