Sunday morning I spotted this abandoned boat at the beach.

By the salvage laws of the Seven Seas, and one small lake, it's finder's keepers!

Mooring fees are adding up.

Actually I witnessed the boat turn upside down Saturday afternoon. Grasshopper and I helped turn it keel side down and towed it to the beach. We did hold it hostage for a dozen fresh eggs. As a side note, did you know that American/Newfies from Argentia do not float?

We have had a flock of 7 to 8 Loons in our bay. Normally they don't flock up 'till just before they migrate right before freeze up.

Lots of fog the past week with the very high humidity. It really makes you think that you are in the center of the universe.

Tuesday we had supper at Lady Jose's and Sir Edwin's.

Do you like my buns?

Is that Victoria Beckham?

No, she is Rachel, fiance of young Sir James, heir to the Fowler Estate. Beside her is proud future mother-in-law Jose and in behind is proud future Auntie Tina. No firm date yet, sometime between now and then.

Sunset from a different perspective.

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