The last time I started it, years ago, it purred like a kitten. It has electric start and a auto choke, so it could be remote started. The fuel lines are rotten and need to be replaced. It has a separate fuel tank. I already have a back up gennie and this one always seems to be in my way. It is cast iron and weighs a ton so bring some one with a strong back. This offer stands until the old goat comes home and can take it away.

4 or 5 days ago you would have thought that the ice was on it's way out. It was very spongy. Air from my water system( I would explain how that works to you, but it would hurt your brain) was bubbling through the ice. But, after a couple of -10 nights, the lake has tightened up and you can skate from one end to the other. They are calling for -18 tomorrow night. You should have heard the lake groaning and crunching this morning when the sun hit it.

Ice road to BedRock.

Tim, you know what they say, the camera adds twenty pounds, twenty years and turns blond hair grey. I say shoot the photographer!
Grasshopper, read above.
Mike, thanks for your understanding. I am also sorry that you have lost your dirty, salty slush. Maybe some day you can move where they have real white snow.
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